How does the coronavirus, self isolation or the need for social distancing relate to the latest The Red Umbrella podcast, with its theme of Weaning Yourself Off Worldliness? What does it mean to wean ourselves off the world? Where does money and wealth fit into religious practice or seeking God? Find out from the audio below, which discusses these crucial ethical questions that face us in our age of turbo-consumerism. (Previous podcast can be found on iTunes, and also on this blog here)

6 thoughts on “Weaning Yourself Off Worldliness

    1. Thank you, Raza, and May Allah bless you and keep you safe. And praise be to Allah through whom all good and beneficial deeds come to fruition.

    1. Barakallahu fikum, Sr Munira. May Allah increase you in goodness, and keep you and your loved ones safe in such times.

  1. Jazaka Allah Khayran brother for the entire episode, but especially for the different scholar sayings you mentioned which I never heard before.

    1. Barakallahu fikum. May Allah increase you in goodness, and grace us to detach our hearts from the dunya so we may attach them to Him.

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