The Male Lust, the Female Form & the Forbidden Gaze

Allah ﷻ informs in the Holy Qur’an: Made beautiful for mankind is the love of desires for women and offspring, of hoarded heaps of gold and silver, of branded horses, cattle and plantations. [3:14] Although such things are elsewhere spoken of positively in the Qur’an, as blessings for which people should be thankful, here they are…

Teaching & Purification: the Two Prophetic Tasks

The Prophet ﷺ once said: 'I am the prayer of my father Abraham and the glad tidings [proclaimed by] Jesus to his people, and the vision of my mother who, while pregnant with me, saw a light issue forth from her which lit up the castles of Syria.'1 The good news of Jesus, referred to above, is mentioned in the…

Should I Stop Making Dhikr If My Heart Isn’t In It?

'I'm remembering Allah, but my heart's not in it; what's the point' is a typical anguish for many of us? 'When I make dhikr, my heart doesn't have focus, it's all over the place. Is there any use' is another one? So should we stop making dhikr because out heart lacks focus on Allah; because there isn't any hudur al-qalb…

7 Rights of the Heart: What Are They?

Writing about the marvels of the human heart (‘aja'ib al-qalb), al-Ghazali states: 'The honour and excellence of man, by which he outstrips all other creatures, is his ability for knowing God, transcendent is He. It is man's beauty, perfection and glory in this world, and his provision and store in the world to come. He is…